CME Group Foundation’s K-12 Innovation Initiative

CME Group Foundation’s K-12 philanthropic investments aim to prepare Chicago students to succeed in twenty-first century careers. In 2017-2018, we invested in $1.1 million* in innovative programs that provide Chicago schools with access to cutting-edge computer science curriculum, groundbreaking personalized learning practices and high-quality school leaders.

Growing What You Eat

CME Group Foundation provided a $20,000 grant to support two urban garden initiatives at two different Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Michele Clark Academy High School used the grant to install an indoor aquaponics system and John Marshall High School was able to build raised garden beds.

We are so grateful for your willingness to bring these enriching learning experiences to our students.

Francie Richards
CPS Chief External Relations Officer

Read the Full Story.

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Congratulations to Our New Grantees

CME Group Foundation awarded $1,293,000 in new grants to Chicago Public Schools and nonprofits to support K-12 financial education, computer science, personalized learning, and STEM research and policy. These grants will be used for programs now and throughout the next two school years.

See all Grantees.

65 Years After Brown v. Board, Our Fixation on Integration is Hiding Gross Inequities in Our Schools. We Must Focus Not Just on Whom We Teach – but on How We Teach

LEAP Innovations is an organization headquartered in Chicago that connects innovation and education to transform how students learn. Recently, LEAP’s founder and CEO, Phyllis Lockett, wrote an essay for The 74’s special series commemorating the 65th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education school desegregation case.

Read the Essay on The 74





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